How I Became More Productive
I always hear great things about those who can stick with a daily routine, but I could never stay consistent enough to see the results of having a routine. That was until a few months ago…
A few months ago, I attended a coaching clinic put on by the Atlanta Hawks. During the clinic, Matt Hill, a member of the Atlanta Hawks coaching staff, shared a breakdown of some of the drills he does with the players at the start of each practice. Hill said he likes to start sessions with what he calls the Daily Vitamins. He described Daily Vitamins as personalized drills each NBA player has to ensure they grow as individual players.
During Daily Vitamins, Hill and the players focus on minor details like executing pivots, catching the ball on the block, etc. Everyone’s dose is different, contingent upon the area you need the most work. Hill explained the effectiveness of repeatedly executing the same drills until the moves became second nature. He expressed how it was essential to open each practice with Daily Vitamins. He compared the concept of Daily Vitamins to starting your day with a supplemental vitamin.
I immediately fell in love with the concept and thought of ways to model my daily routine around the same idea. However, while I love coaching basketball, I did not want my daily vitamins to be basketball-related tasks. The reason being; outside of being a basketball coach, I am many other things first. With that being said, I wanted my daily vitamins to consist of tasks that would assist me in my lifelong mission of self-improvement. I came up with five daily vitamins, all geared to feeding and supplementing my mind, body, and soul.
After consideration, I realized the five vitamins I need to feed my mind, body, and soul are: daily reading and writing (mind), routine exercise (body), and continuous prayer and reflection (soul). Each of these works together to add value to my days. I plan to consistently take my daily doses of vitamins and see how my life elevates.
Fast forward to today…
I’ve taken my daily vitamins so for about three months now, and it has not only been refreshing but productive. I am moving at a better pace towards my #bodygoals and the completion of my third manuscript. I even made a visual reminder of my Daily Vitamins, just in case my day gets away from me, and I forget my focus. Hopefully, people will find value in the concept, create their own Daily Vitamins, and it will improve the productivity in the same way.